Beyond Veterans Day Discounts - CA VSOs In Action

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Beyond Veterans Day Discounts - CA VSOs In Action

#1 Postby boardman » Thu Nov 08, 2012 12:25 pm


For Immediate Release
Contact: Pete Conaty
November 7, 2012
Pete Conaty & Associates
(916) 492-0550



As Veteran’s Day approaches, more and more stores and restaurants are offering discounts to veterans. The problem is that California’s almost 2 million veterans do not walk around with their DD-214’s in their pockets. The DD-214 is a standard 8.5x11 piece of paper that is the veteran’s official discharge paper and most veterans don’t even have a copy, let alone carry it with them.

There is no universal veteran ID card in the nation or in California. If you are in the military, a military retiree, or are receiving benefits from the federal Veterans Administration (VA), you have a valid identification card that can be used for these discounts.

If you belong to one of the many veterans service organizations (VSO’s) in California like the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW), the American Legion, AMVETS, or the Vietnam Veterans of America, most establishments will accept those membership cards as proof that you are a veteran.

That still leaves about 1.25 million California veterans without veteran ID cards. But help is on the way. Recently 3 California counties’ Board of Supervisors have authorized their County Veterans Service Officers (CVSO’s) to issue veteran ID cards for veterans in their counties.

CVSO’s primarily help veterans file claims with the VA. They also get involved in anything having to do with providing help or services for our California military members and veterans and they also work closely with local VSO posts or chapters in their counties.

The 3 counties which are currently issuing veterans ID cards are Shasta, Solano, and Kings Counties. Shasta County started issuing cards in late 2010 and has issued over 1,500 ID cards to date. Solano County followed and has issued about 1,000 cards in one month. Kings County just started and has already issued 400 ID cards in less than a month.

“We really need to thank the Boards of Supervisors in these counties for letting us do this. It is starting to take off” stated Joe Wright, the Kings County CVSO. According to Bob Dunlap, the Shasta County CVSO, “I have identified over 150 business in the Redding area who give discounts to veterans - and not just on Veteran’s Day”.

Most importantly, by offering these cards, CVSO's are able to make contact with veterans that come into their offices for the first time. After reviewing or helping the veteran obtain their DD-214’s, the CVSO then helps these veterans file claims with the federal VA for benefits based upon their military service which they may be eligible for. “We have a tremendous amount of veterans in California who are not even aware that they may be eligible for these federal entitlements they earned by virtue of their military service” stated Ted Puntillo, Solano County CVSO.

Bob Dunlap estimates that 75% of the veterans who have received an ID card through his office have filed a VA claim for the first time. Joe Wright reports that he has had numerous Vietnam veterans come in who were unaware that they were eligible for benefits because of Agent Orange chemical exposure. When the DD-214’s are reviewed for issuance of the ID card, the CVSO talks to them about any war time health issues they may have from Vietnam, Iraq, or Afghanistan. CVSO’s also see many World War II and Korean war veterans and their family members who may be eligible for benefits”.

Why does this matter? California has more veterans than any other state in the country, but constantly ranks below the national average percentage of veterans receiving VA benefits. Currently the Department of Veterans Affairs annual expenditures in California are over $10.3 billion dollars annually and have been growing.

CVSOs, who have been in existence for the most part since World War II, continue to bring in significant economic benefits to California.

According to Pete Conaty*, “while it would be great to get one check from the federal government for the $4.5 billion for compensation and pension benefits due to California’s veterans, CVSO’s must find veterans one at a time because each claim is different”. Veterans benefits are not like filing for Social Security, not all veterans are eligible for benefits. The California Department of Veterans Affairs has issued reports to the Legislature that show CVSO's have brought over $3 billion in new veterans benefits for California veterans since 1995.

CVSO's receive no funding from the federal government and only minor funding from the state through local assistance grants. The county’s fund over 90% of the cost of their CVSO's even thought the counties are not required to maintain a CVSO office. The Boards of Supervisors have continued to fund CVSO's during these difficult financial times because they recognize the moral obligation to help California’s veterans. All 3 CVSO's agree, “if we didn’t have the support of our Board of Supervisors to fund our efforts, California veterans would not be getting as many benefits”, stated Joe Wright, Kings County CVSO.

For more information, you may contact:

Kings County CVSO Joe Wright: (559) 852-2659
Shasta County CVSO Bob Dunlap: (530) 225-5616
Solano County CVSO Ted Puntillo: (707) 784-6590

* Pete Conaty is a retired U. S. Army officer and is the Governmental Advocate for the California Association of County Veterans Service Officers and many Veterans Service Organizations.
Boardman & Webmaster
"See You On The Other Side"

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