Petition For Agent Orange Exposure

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Petition For Agent Orange Exposure

#1 Postby boardman » Tue Jan 08, 2013 11:14 am

Petition For Agent Orange Exposure

Hello, I am a member of the VVA Chapter 67, I have created a Petition for Vietnam Vets, it is relative to Bills that have died in both Houses on Capital Hill, DC. However, I feel these Bills will be re-introduce in a short time. As I know more info, I will upgrade my petition accordingly. It is import for me to gather signatures. Eventually I will send those signatures to both House in DC. A showing of Power Of The People. I ask you to distribute to your membership. Thank you.

There is a program called Causes. It lists Petitions. I have started a petition for Agent Orange. My petition is simple in an attempt to get House Bill HR-3612 and Senate Bill S.1629 passed.

If you go to and in the blank search box type in the following Title:

Petition: The Agent Orange Act House Bill HR-3612 and Senate Bill S.1629

Then scroll down, see the title and click on it. Then sign my petition. You can also send this petition to your Facebook page and to Twitter, requesting your friends to sign as well. My goal is 2,000,000 signatures. Support my cause to help Vietnam War Veterans who are sick with Agent Orange Exposure. Thank You.

By: John J. Bury (, US Navy, retired, Vietnam War Veteran
Boardman & Webmaster
"See You On The Other Side"

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