Chapter 218 Newsletter - November 2011

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Chapter 218 Newsletter - November 2011

#1 Postby boardman » Fri Nov 04, 2011 4:13 pm



Veterans Memorial Building VVA CHAPTER 218 112 W Cabrillo Blvd SANTA BARBARA, CA. 93101

November 2011

Publisher/Editor: John Selfridge (

The Santa Barbara Chapter of the Vietnam Veterans of America is a tax exempt, non-profit, community service organization. Our members are Vietnam era (you need not have served “in country”) Veterans and associates (individuals from all walks of life who may or may not have served in the military). Our Chapter is successful because of the efforts of Vietnam Veterans, Vietnam Era Veterans, and associates, all of whom are equally welcomed and prized.

The Chapter meets the second Tuesday of every month at the Veterans Memorial Building at 112 W. Cabrillo Boulevard at 6:00 P. M. The meetings usually last around an hour. A light snack offered between 6:00 and 6:15. Members sometimes go out for an informal dinner afterwards. (Individual checks)

Definition of a veteran: A veteran - whether active duty, retired, national guard or reserve, - is someone who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank check made payable to "The United States of America", for an amount of "up to and including my life." (Author unknown)

Acronym: ARMY Ain’t Ready For The Marines Yet; Airforce Rejected Me Yesterday; Aren’t Really Men Yet


Veterans Day parade with fly over and all the extras. These are all great reasons for all of us to be sure our chapter shirts are correct. Coming soon is the Holiday party December 13. See below for more info. A mail in RSVP is on the last page of this newsletter.


Hello 218!

With The Wall gone and the year winding down, I would ask that you all take a breath and honestly contemplate where you wish to see our Chapter go this next year. I don't advocate WATCHING somebody else help it along, either, but I invite all of you to throw in your oar. Be a part of where we are going, even if it means doing the work. Every organization has more than it's share of those who wish to be in charge. Lucky is that group where the workers outnumber the supervisors! We have seen some true leadership this year, and it was from people who quietly served.

Fearing for my life, I'll admit that the nastiest thing I ever say to my wife is “I don't need another Manager”, meaning, “I'm doing the Work, so I'll make the decisions”. It seems appropriate that 218 succeed or fail the same way. Those who work are the closest to the problems. Sometimes we need ground rules, but telling somebody how to scrub a pot just doesn't compute. I hope that we not only strike a happy balance, but retain a friendly atmosphere in which to serve.

The Board Of Directors has been busy working on the internal problems that 218 faces. It behooves each Member who has an input or a problem to take it to their nearest Board Member so that their concerns reach the ears of the whole Board. Their names are printed on this document.

We are finally at the end of another year, and the Christmas Dinner is upon us. This time is a relaxing one, and should be free from stress. I hope that you all plan on attending. We won't be having a “Meeting” per se, just some end of the year business that doesn't interfere with the dinner too much.

I wish to report that I for one feel that 218 has become a more approachable Chapter in the last few months, and that is wholly due to the attitude of you Members. You have chosen to enjoy each other's company at meetings, and we have had some good ones. Look forward to a few programs this next year, and we may have a new direction or two for you to pursue together. Our Brother Chapters around the state are doing some really cool things, and I hope we can begin to join them. We could learn a lot, and it couldn't hurt to share!

I couldn't be more pleased with The Wall. My loving gratitude to all who helped in all of the ways that you did. It was a blessing to our entire community, and to many Vets who could not make the journey to Washington. On that note, I'd just like to say:

Well Done 218! SGT Hap


Wow!!!! I do believe October in spite of its five Saturdays (did anybody notice??) was the fastest month to go by this year. The attendance at the meeting continues to grow and this is obviously good. Speaking of participation, as we approach the end of 2011 and the get together "meeting" in December, the Board got together tonight for the last time this year for ideas on how to end the pathetic apathy of this last year. As you know our main income for all expenditures including scholarships, the Wall, the helicopter, the year end dinner etc. is mostly (except for donations from those who cannot work the booth) paid for by the Fiesta booth which participation this year done by only 40% of able bodied local members almost matched the anemic amount of profit as I wrote in August's Recon Report. We as Board members moreover the CHAPter members need YOUR input to do better. PLEASE feel free to speak up (that's part of the problem....not enough people do) with ideas either at the meetings or in e-mail format to all toward that end. Next year (IF there is a next year) there MUST be more committment. Period. I can guarantee those of us who worked for those who didn't care will NOT do it in 2012. I hope the members know and understand a once a year showing for the dinner does NOT constitute active participation in 218. That being said, one of many things done tonight at the Board meeting as a help to the Chapter's coffers is to have each member pay $20 each for the dinner on December 13th which is conSIDERably less expensive than a nice dinner out AND, of course that includes the unbeatable comeraderie. Hell, us guys even take a bath and change underwear and put on B.O. killer and EVERYthing that night (DEFinetly LOL). Another thing was to get a committee together for the feasibility in 2012 to even HAVE a booth withOUT it being comprised (which has been the case in the too near past) of only Board members. Again the Board BEGS your infusion/inclusion for/in 218's ideas for future success. It's YOUR Chapter. Get involved. Chapter 218 needs to know why you haven't been doing more (read: where have you been and what needs do you see that need to be done) to get you involved. Now if the VCC would only work this hard to be a co-ordinated unit instead of fragmented bovine droppings. It's the truth (PLEASE quote me), but I digress.....

"The Wall"'s visit has many stories....this is just one of many. I walked what "matched" (read; what should be a brother) up to those black panels after noticing him in the back of the crowd staring, yet wiping his eyes. I asked him if he'd ever been to any of the replicas or the one in D.C. He said that he'd never been able to even get THIS close before. We engaged in where, when, how "in country" information and related how many times I had been to the replicas before the first time in D.C. when we went as a Chapter years ago and how I was SURE I'd be O.K. because of those previous visits. WRONG!!!!! But it takes the FORward steps. So, after about 15 minutes we approached The Wall, found the names he was looking for and I reassured him to look around and he'd see others expressing the same feelings. 'Twas true. I gave him my card and told him to contact me, but nothing back yet. Still......I thought I'd pass that on. There are, of course, more Vets out there that still aren't proud or don't want to talk about their service. I'm glad I (or we from other stories) could help and I thank you all for the same since the inception of the Chapter.

Peter Bie came up with a plan of action that I FULLY intend to implement (disregard.....make that I'll really try BG). That would be to differentiate between resPONDing vs. reACTing. And the wisdom to know the difference and what to do when I do it. (Yes, I wrote that. That wasn't a typo). I feel a little better because my better half says if I can do that at home, why not with everyone else?? interesting concept.

See ya Tuesday night, the 8th, and have a good Veterans Day Weekend. I will be in Phoenix as I have been for years for the NASCAR race since I have season tickets and will until the schedule is changed. Forward and Onward, Proudly Serving Dennis

FOR THE GOOD OF THE CHAPTER Chaplain’s Corner by Pattie Murdy

Our donations to the Homeless Veterans’ Clothing Project were made possible this past month due to the generosity of: Dave Bianchi, Bobby Brennan, Gilbert Robledo, and the Staff of the Veterans’ Memorial Building. Over 20 bags of clean clothes were given to Casa Esperanza. Many thanks to our veterans, Chapter members and friends who continue to support this worthwhile project.

Casa Esperanza has an ongoing request for the following items: sleeping bags, twin size blankets, socks, jeans, tee-shirts, sweatshirts and backpacks. Even if you were only able to donate ONE of these items, it would be most appreciated.

Member of the Year Voting:

Ballot returns for Member of the Year are due on November 8, 2011. They have been coming in at a rather low and slow pace. The ballot was included on the last page of the OCTOBER Recon Report. Please return your ballot today if you haven’t already done so.

Annual Holiday Dinner:

The Officers and Board of Directors of Vietnam Veterans Chapter 218 Santa Barbara cordially invite all members and their guests to attend our Annual Holiday Dinner on Tuesday, DECEMBER 13, 2011 at 6:00 p.m.

This event will be held at Mulligan’s Café and Bar which is located at the Santa Barbara Municipal Golf Course, 3500 Mc Caw Avenue (off Las Positas), Santa Barbara, California.

WHO: Members of 218 and their guests WHAT: Annual Holiday Dinner WHEN: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 TIME: 6:00 p.m. WHERE: Mulligan’s Café and Bar

EMAIL OPTION: If ANY body knows wants this newsletter e-mailed to you please let me know at (

Board Of Directors (Refreshed Every April)

Hap DeSimone, Pres. ( (Army E-5 SGT Second Field Force, Long Binh, `69-`70) Dennis Hartman, 1st Vice-President (USAF E-5 Aircraft Crew Chief Bien Hoa, Da Nang `69 - `71) Domingo Nuñez, 2nd Vice-President (Army E-4 Reconnaissance Delta`69.) Peter Bie, Recording Secretary Gerry Roberson/ Domingo Nunez, Treasurer William Frieburg, Master at Arms Board Members: William Frieburg, Director (Army E-4 Small Arms Repair Germany ’68 - ’70) Don Matter, Director John Selfridge, Director USNR-R (E-3 v-3 division CVA-43) Hazel Blankenship, Director Charlie Franco, Director (Army E-5 Combat Engineer Delta - My Tho`68 - `69)

California State Council Representative: Hap DeSimone Alternate: Hazel Blankenship (CIA South East Asia) Santa Barbara Veterans Coordinating Council Representative: Gerry Roberson Alternate: Hazel Blankenship Membership Chairman: Dennis Hartman (805-965-2162) or (805-477-0083) Chaplain: Patricia Murdy (life member) Veterans Affairs Coordinator: Joseph Narkevitz (Army E-5 3rd Field Hospital, Saigon ’68) PTSD & Agent Orange Coordinator: Hap DeSimone (962-5765) Memorabilia: Is available at chapter meetings and at chapter events Melinda Bie Program Director

Vance Memorial Fund The Chapter’s Vance Committee distributes funds ($41,134 thru 08/11) to qualified disabled American veterans. Committee is refreshed every April.

John Kerr (Chairman) ( Dan Oroz Madeline Moreaux Gerry Roberson Fred Golin Dennis Hartman William Stewart Don Matter John Selfridge Patricia Murdy

Thank you for serving our country. John Selfridge

Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 218 Holiday Dinner Reservation

PRINT YOUR NAME: ______________________________________

PRINT GUEST’S NAME____________________________________

Entrée Choice: Prime Rib; Salmon, Vegetarian (circle one)

Per person cost is $20 Per couple cost is $40

Please make your CHECKS out: to Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 218

And mail by DECEMBER 6, 2011 to:

Pattie Murdy, Chaplain VVA Chapter 218 Santa Barbara Post Office Box 4862 Santa Barbara, CA 93140
Boardman & Webmaster
"See You On The Other Side"

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